I'm an aunt to Emery Rose Stewart. She's a cutie for sure! Just wanted to share my joy with you! She has a full head of hair, I think that's the Stewart side. :)

I went out to see my family mid-November and brought "trouble" with me, thanks to a friend. We all decided to do fake tattoos and laughed a lot through the process. My aunt gave me a book to read, "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. I've just started it and believe it to be a good read. She highly recommended it.
"When the dove returned to [Noah] in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf!" Genesis 8:11. In my devo by Max Lucado, he talks about how that olive leaf was a symbol of hope. The dove, the messenger God used to bring that hope. It was a good challenge to be like that dove, a messenger of hope. God still provides olive leaves in many ways. I need to take more time to recognize those he's placed in my life.