Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Community Vehicles

It's so good to have friends that trust you with their valuables. Having no car has been interesting as I sold Baxter three days ago. It's good to be done with him yet in the interim, friends (thanks M & J) have really looked out for me. Every time I look out my front window I am grateful for community. It's so wonderful to come home to a place where I trust roommates, can hand over keys and say, "take mine" with the understanding that care will be taken and call on a dime and say, "come pick me up"-thanks poppa C! I'm thankful that I have a few two wheeled modes of transportation as well as two legs that get me where I need to go. I am feeling extremely blessed!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Desiring what's lacking

I was out looking for changing aspen trees and came across this little evergreen that desired to be part of the changing movement by adapting aspen leaves of it's own. It reminds me of the many times I desire to acquire talents my friends possess. Like right now for instance as I dread writing a research paper that I feel very incompetent about and have a few friends who are gifted writers, editors and articulaters. I wish I could be "part of the changing movement" by adapting their gifts and write an amazing paper. I was not blessed with the 'book smart' gene, often baffled that I am in the middle of a graduate level program.
I must remember that it's not worth wishing my life away. The evergreen tree looks beautiful on its own. It is even a bit silly trying to take on the characteristics of the aspen tree. It wasn't meant to be an aspen. I may never be a writer or editor, yet it's as my friend L said, "You have friends that can help you out." She is right. As we all work together, it makes for a beautiful life. There is no need to "wish" because we are creating life. Yes, it is beautiful and. . .complex.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

On your feet!

"On your feet now-applaud God! Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence. Know this: God is God, and God, God. He made us; we didn't make him. We're his people, his well-tended sheep. Enter with the password: 'Thank you!' Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank him. Worship him. For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, loyal always and ever." Psalm 100, The Message

I find much freedom in this passage. A friend recently asked me, "When was the last time you laughed heartily?" I think it was yesterday. How about you? I see that question as asking, "When was the last time your heart was so light that you could enjoy the moment you are in?" As we delight in God, we will thank him. Thank him for not judging us, placing a bunch of rules around us, making us with special talents that we can use together to serve Him, out of delight. Thank him for giving us a home to look forward to where we can be ourselves, surrounded with grace from God, others and ourselves.