If you haven't seen the movie yet, it's worth it. The question I left with is: "What's more important, i
ndependence or community?" Is it possible to have both? I know I long for community yet live independently. There is great risk in allowing others into the core of my thoughts. Will there be acceptance or rejection? I believe community is important and the
benefits outweigh the risks. . .most of the time. Yet those few times we are rejected make independence seem more appealing. Yet freedom comes with being open in a safe community. So the real question is: "how do we build safe community?" Thoughts. . .

I'm in my substance abuse class right now and we all have to give something up. I decided,
reluctantly, to give up caffeine. There are many reasons that I can justify why coffee is good for me, yet it is something that has taken control over me. The fact that I am cranky and have a headache is a good sign that I need to give it up. Fortunately, I thought of it too late but the only thing worse for me would be chap stick! Ha! My lips are dry just for writing it down. Ask me how I feel about giving up caffeine in a few weeks and I'll let you know if the "detox" was worth it.